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Category Archives: White Plains Veteran Benefits Lawyer


Man Pleads Guilty To $1 Million In Veterans Benefits Fraud

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Veterans benefits are for those who have served our country. Many veterans are able to receive disability benefits when they suffer debilitating service-related injuries while on duty. However, sometimes servicemembers lie about their injuries in order to receive benefits. This was what a North Carolina man did. The 57-year-old veteran defrauded the Department of… Read More »

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Helping Veterans Find Jobs With the Heroes Foundation

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

It’s been hard for many people to find a decent job in this economy. It’s especially difficult for veterans who are transitioning back to civilian life. Fortunately, veterans have benefit programs that can help. One of them is The Daniel and Salvador Montoya Heroes Foundation. Heroes Foundation is a nonprofit organization that helps veterans… Read More »

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Veterans Benefits: Reduce Fees, Identity Theft With Direct Deposit

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Getting veterans benefits can be tricky. The process can be long and arduous, especially if you are doing it on your own. Once you get approved, you want to ensure your money arrives safely. While many veterans opt for payment options such as checks and debit cards, these payment methods are not the safest…. Read More »

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Artificial Intelligence, Robots Help Streamline Veterans Benefits

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) provides money and other benefits to veterans and their families. The agency, however, receives so many applications and pieces of mail. In fact, it receives 25,000 or so letters on a daily basis. You can imagine how long it would take to sort and open all these letters by… Read More »

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Be Wary of Veterans Benefits Scams

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Many men and women have fought for our country. Once they leave the military, they face another fight—earning enough money to survive. Desperate times call for desperate measures, which leads some veterans to trade benefits they will receive at some point in the future and receive compensation for them now. These schemes, which are… Read More »

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Many National Guardsmen Denied Veterans Benefits

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

During President Donald Trump’s presidency, National Guard troops have been employed for various purposes, such as increased security on the U.S.-Mexico border or helping with natural disasters, such as wildfires and tornadoes. These troops provide a great deal of assistance in times of need when extra agents cannot be hired quickly. Unfortunately, though, performing… Read More »

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Delays For Veterans Looking to Receive “Blue Water” Vietnam Benefits

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

People are often lured into the Army, military and Navy by the many benefits touted by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Education benefits, housing benefits and various medical benefits are just some of them. Unfortunately, however, veterans do not always get the benefits they deserve. Their benefits are often delayed for years and… Read More »

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Getting Older is Easier for Veterans Thanks to Assisted Living Benefits

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Getting old is expensive. We tend to develop medical conditions that require costly maintenance and treatment, such as tests, lab work and medications. Some seniors develop memory issues or mobility problems and require 24/7 care. While some are fortunate enough to be cared for by loved ones, most end up in a nursing home… Read More »

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VA Owes Veteran Homeowners $189 Million

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Servicemembers are promised housing, education, disability and other veterans benefits by serving their country. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), however, does not always live up to its promises. It is not uncommon for disabled and retired servicemembers to be denied benefits. Sometimes they are not reimbursed for things such as home loan fees… Read More »

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Veteran With Health Problems? You May Be Able to File a Claim

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Fighting in wars is no easy task. Many people have died fighting for this country. Of the service members who have survived, many have suffered serious physical and mental issues. Some continue to suffer from ailments decades after leaving the service. In fact, millions of veterans are disabled due to service-connected injuries and medical… Read More »

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