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Category Archives: White Plains Veteran Benefits Lawyer


Helping Veterans With Cancer Deal With Unique Challenges

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Learning you have cancer can be devastating. It can be especially hard for veterans, who may not always have the support they need to deal with everyday challenges. Those with head and neck cancer face unique challenges, such as Veterans with head and neck cancers experience difficult health challenges, such as pain, dietary restrictions,… Read More »

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Marine Arrested For Theft Of Benefit Payments

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Veterans do a lot to protect our country from threats. As such, they are awarded many benefits during service, once they retire from service, and when they become disabled. These veterans disability benefits, however, are not for those who are dishonest. They are for those who have legitimate medical conditions and disabilities. When a… Read More »

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Veterans Prone To Healthcare Fraud

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

When veterans leave the military and come back into civilian life, they are often lost. They have no idea how to proceed with life. They have benefits but the lack of awareness makes them prone to financial issues, including fraud, according to a survey by the AARP. In particular, many veterans are unaware of… Read More »

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What Happens To Veterans If The U.S. Defaults On Debt?

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

There are a lot of expenses going through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) every month. The agency spends a whopping $25 billion a month. Where is all this money going? Veterans benefits and employee salaries are some of the biggest costs, as well as private health care and pharmacy costs. The VA also… Read More »

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Be Wary Of Veterans Claims Coaches

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

It’s no secret that filing a claim for veterans benefits is a challenging task. With so much paperwork involved and talks of significant delays, many veterans simply give up on the process. They feel overwhelmed by the process and everything just seems too much when they’re already facing chronic medical conditions, pain, emotional distress,… Read More »

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Veterans Guaranteed COLA Next Year

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Cost of living increases for Social Security recipients are automatically given every year. That is not the case for veterans though. However, lawmakers have made sure that veterans get the boost they need. In mid-May, House lawmakers finalized plans to guarantee a cost of living boost for veterans for next year. Legislation will be… Read More »

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Will The VA Cut Disability Pay Based On Income?

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

The United States may be the biggest economy in the world, but it’s dealing with a huge deficit. As of the beginning of fiscal year 2023, the deficit has reached nearly $723 billion. That’s a huge amount of money. Of course, this number is alarming and we need to try to find ways to… Read More »

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Why Has Spending For Veterans Increased In Recent Years?

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

It seems that in the past decade or so, more and more money has been spent on veterans. The federal government and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has been approving spending and benefits for veterans and the issues that they face. Going to war is a major event that can cause a lot of… Read More »

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Why Veterans Need To Consider Advance Directives

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

Veterans who have fought hard to protect their country are given many benefits. The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) allows veterans to dictate the type of medical care they receive. They usually have the final say — except when they don’t. Sometimes there are situations in which a veteran cannot make their wishes known…. Read More »

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Tax Benefits For Veterans

By Michael Lawrence Varon, PLLC |

We’re already in February and tax season is now underway. Some people enjoy this time of year if they are getting a tax refund. If they’re not and they have to pay taxes, then they may be delaying submitting their taxes for as long as possible. The tax code offers many tax benefits for… Read More »

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